Ryan “Gonzo” Gonzalez has spent the past 22 years working with and for Hawaiian communities in various roles around mo’olelo and media. He is a digital artist, an award winning musician, a director/producer of documentaries, and an old school web designer/developer; But most importantly he is a modern day scribe that provides platforms through which community stories and experiences are shared broadly. He is currently the director of Network Engagement of Kealaiwikuamo’o, a department within Kamehameha Schools that is focused on supporting Kanaeokana, a network of over 50 schools and organizations committed to strengthening Hawaiian education. As the director of Network Engagement, he coordinates the creation of various media (videos, apps, digital comics, print, music, etc.) that amplify Hawaiian perspectives, and oversees how those perspectives are delivered and disseminated (social media, web, broadcast, print, etc.). He is very interested in utilizing mo’olelo and media to positively influence and impact how systems think and operate. He likes mud pie ice cream.