5 Questions with East Meets West 2017 Speakers – Sean Flaherty

5 Questions with East Meets West 2017 Speakers – Sean Flaherty

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1. 3 sentences about yourself that you wouldn’t post on LinkedIn?
1. I love craft cocktails and probably drink too much.
2. I am an experience junkie. I love to travel with my family off the beaten path.
3. I am a bit of a workaholic. I am extremely passionate about what I do and have a tough time balancing as a result.

2. What will you be speaking about at East Meets West 2017 and where do you think that conversation will be going over the next 4 Trump-years?
I am speaking on how to use technology to create brand advocates out of your customers.  While I am sure that the conversation will change over the next 4 Trump years in many unforeseen ways, I firmly believe that we are experiencing a customer experience revolution right now that will be largely unaffected by the presidency.

3. In your opinion, what is the next major thing to change the world: VR/AR, AI, TransportTech (Hyperloop/Self-driving cars etc) or something else?
Conversational UI will chage the way applications get developed across industries and change the way we interact with companies and systems.  The ability to talk to our systems to get answers and get our jobs done more effectively will empower us to be more effective and prove extremely valuable. This, combined with AI will be a particularly interesting combination of technologies.

4. Choose one and why: Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk for president on November 3, 2020?
Bezos: Remove friction. Citizen’s first. Ignore the market. Experiment your way to success.

5. Stranded on Kahoolawe with only 1 gadget that will work indefinitely – what is your gadget of choice?
Satellite Smart Phone. Just in case I get bored and want to talk to someone 😉


